
四、 法律根据


        早在一九九零年九月二十日,第三十五届地方政府全国理事会(National Council of Local Government)便针对一九七四年的道路、排水系统以及建筑规格附加法令(Uniform Building By Laws)第三十四(A)项作出了修订,强制规定马来西亚国内所有建筑物,都必须提供残障人适用的设施,以便残障人士可以进出以及逗留在建筑物之中。有关法令一九九三年通过的修订法案规定了,所有这些建筑物与场所提供的便利与设施,必须符合马来西亚标准规格1184和1183的需要。法令也规定,所有新建筑物都必须按照这一标准,至于那些已经建峻的建筑物都必须按照这一标准,至于那些已经建峻的建筑物也一样必须赶上这一规格的规定,必须在有关条例实施后的三年内进行改建,以符合条文的需要。


§         办公室、银行、邮局、商店、商场、百货公司以及其他各种行政与商业场所。

§         铁路、医药中心、诊疗所以及其他健康与福利场所。

§         餐厅、表演会堂、剧场、戏院、会议大楼、社区建筑、泳池、体育场所以及其他渡假、娱乐与休闲场所。

§         宗教场所。

§         学校、学院、大学、动物园、博物院、画廊、图书馆、展览场所及其他教育、文化及科研场所。

§         宿舍、酒店以及其他居住场所,单独家庭的私人住宅除外。





Act 133 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 133 of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974, the State Authority makes the following By-laws:
Citation 1.    These By-laws may be cited as the Uniform Building (Amendment) By-laws (UBBL) 1991.
to By-laws
2.    By laws 2 of the UBBL 1984, which in this By-laws is referred to us "the principal By-laws" is amended by inserting immediately after interpretation "detached building" the following interpretation.

    "disabled persons means people with a physical, hearing or sight impairment which affects their mobility or their use of buildings as referred to under bylaw 34A."

New By-law 3.    The principal By-laws is amended by inserting immediately after by-law 34. The following new by-law 34A:
"Building requirements for disabled persons." 34A.
  1. Any building or part thereof to which this bylaw applies shall-
    a.    be provide with access to enable disable persons to get into, out of end within the building except for any part of the building for which access is provided wholly or mainly for the inspection, maintenance or repair of the building, its services or fixed plant or machinery; and
    b.    be design with facilities for used by disabled persons.
  2. The requirements of this by-law shall be deemed to be satisfied by compliance with Malaysian Standard MS 1184 and MS 1183.
  3. Buildings to which this by-law applies and which on the date of commencement of this by-law have been erected, are being plans have been submitted and approved shall be modified or altered to comply with this by-laws within 3 years from the date of commencement of this by-law.
  4. Notwithstanding paragraph (3) the local authority may where it is satisfied that it is justifiable to do so-
    a.    allow an extension or further extensions of the period within which the requirements of this by-law are to be complied with; or
    b.    allow variations, deviations or exemptions as it may specify from any provisions of this by-law.
  5. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the local authority under paragraph (4) may within 30 days of the receipt of the decision appeal in writing to the State Authority, whose decisions shall be final.
  6. The requirements of this by-law shall apply to any of the following buildings or any part thereof-
    a.    officers, banks, post offices, shops, department stores, supermarkets and other administrative and commercial buildings, except shophouses existing at the commencement of this bylaw;
    b.    rail, road and air travel buildings and associated concourses, car parking buildings and factories;
    c.    hospitals, medical centres, clinics and other health and welfare buildings;
    d.    restaurants, concert halts, theatres, cinemas, conference buildings, community buildings, swimming pools, sports buildings and other refreshment, entertainment and recreation buildings;
    e.    Religious buildings;
    f.    Schools, colleges, universities, zoos, museums, art galleries, libraries, exhibition buildings and other educational, cultural and scientific buildings; and
    g.    Hostels, hotels and other residential buildings other than single family private dwelling houses.

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